A brush with Oppenheimer


Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — Seventy-year-old Gary Jaramillo says he saw a familiar face in a decades-old family film. The home-movie reveals moments from the New Mexico Tech/49ers Parade in 1952. A man holding a camera, wearing a porkpie hat, walks in front. Local historians and officials from New Mexico Tech confirmed that the man in the film was J. Robert Oppenheimer. While the plaza has changed since the father of the atomic bomb was seen walking through, Jaramillo hopes this will forever be a part of history. He plans to showcase the film at Socorro’s Octoberfest this fall.

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) -- Seventy-year-old Gary Jaramillo says he saw a familiar face in a decades-old family film. The home-movie reveals moments from the New Mexico Tech/49ers Parade in 1952. A man holding a camera, wearing a porkpie hat, walks in front. Local historians and officials from New Mexico Tech confirmed that the man in the film was J. Robert Oppenheimer. While the plaza has changed since the father of the atomic bomb was seen walking through, Jaramillo hopes this will forever be a part of history. He plans to showcase the film at Socorro’s Octoberfest this fall.